British Fundamental Values

British values sign

It is important to promote British Fundamental Values within society to help to create an orderly society where learners can feel safe, valued and can contribute for the good of themselves and others.

Our program of learning incorporates and promotes these values:

Democracy – by listening to our learners’ opinions, encouraging them to consider the opinions of their peers, and promoting the use of joint decision making within tasks they perform.

Rule of law – by negotiating fair class rules, adhering to policies and implementing class rules.

Individual liberty – by encouraging our learners the freedom to respectfully share their thoughts and opinions.

Mutual respect and tolerance – by teaching about different religions, traditions, and preferences of their peers.


A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities. Examples are:

  • Leadership and accountability
  • Joint decision making
  • Team meetings
  • The right to protest and petition
  • Receiving and giving feedback.

The Training Brokers promote democracy by listening to our learners’ opinions, encouraging our learners to consider the opinions of their peers, and promoting the use of joint decision making within tasks.

Rule of law
The need for rules to make a happy, safe, and secure environment to live and work, examples are:

  • Legislation
  • Agreed ways of working, policies, and procedures
  • How the law protects you and others
  • Codes of conduct

The Training Brokers promote the rule of law by negotiating fair class rules, adhering to policies, and implementing class rules.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas, and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own on others. Examples are:

  •  Embracing diversity
  •  Promoting awareness of religion, traditions, cultural heritage and preferences
  •  Tackling stereotyping, labelling, prejudice and discrimination

The Training Brokers promote mutual respect and tolerance by learning about different religions, traditions, and preferences of their peers.
Individual Liberty

Protection of your rights within Britain and the rights of others you work with, examples are:

  •  Equality and Human Rights
  •  Personal development
  •  Respect and dignity
  •  Rights, choice, consent, and individuality
  •  Values and principles

The Training Brokers promote individual liberty by encouraging our learners the freedom to respectfully share their thoughts and opinions.